Examples of what I do

Examples of what I do

Awards my work has won

Awards my work has won


My clients love what I do

Like, reeeally love it. When I had the pleasure of consulting, I worked with many clients from North America and Europe. Based on the list below, I worked with Ganong Chocolates to develop and design their new carton system for their flagship chocolate collection as well as their website, I developed the artwork for Sunkist fruit candy, I designed the website for Nova Scotia Power (as well as their going-green microsite), I created the in-game icons for Ironclad's flagship game Sins of a Solar Empire, I developed the complete end-to-end user experience for AIOTV's internet TV set-top-box (the STB itself, its remote, as well as the entire app interface), I designed the in-flight entertainment system for Air Canada (2001), and I developed some useful marketing material for Davis Pier (a consulting firm here in Halifax, NS).

Clients I have worked for

The most important thing for me is to be humble and do good work. Oh, and call me Dogan” :)

More examples of my work